Pectolite BW-66
$30.00 -
Sphalerite, Quartz, and Chalcopyrite BW-63
$70.00 -
Galena BW-58
$40.00 -
Aragonite BW-57
$12.00 -
Quartz, Galena, and Sphalerite BW-47
$50.00 -
Galena, Quartz, Pyrite, and Chalcopyrite BW-46
$40.00 -
Gypsum BW-44
$35.00 -
Quartz, Pyrite, and Chalcopyrite BW-43
$25.00 -
Barite BW-42
$30.00 -
Heulandite BW-41
$25.00 -
Fluorite and Calcite BW-40
$15.00 -
Quartz, Prehnite, and Babingtonite BW-39
$35.00 -
Fluorite BW-35
$15.00 -
Quartz with Hematite BW-34
$20.00 -
Fluorite BW-33
$20.00 -
Goethite BW-32
$20.00 -
Crocoite BW-30
$25.00 -
Libenthenite BW-29
$25.00 -
Prehnite BW-28
$15.00 -
Pyrolusite BW-21
$15.00 -
Stibnite BW-19
$15.00 -
Azurite BW-14
$15.00 -
Calcite BW-13
$30.00 -
Pyrite BW-11
$12.00 -
Glaucophane and Phengite BW-10