Microcline, Albite, and Smoky Quartz SP4-46
$12.00 -
Smoky Quartz and Hematite Pseudomorph sp3-507
$25.00 -
Smoky Quartz and Microcline SP3-661
$10.00 -
Smoky Quartz and Microcline SP3-220
$12.00 -
Smoky Quartz, Microcline, and Albite SP3-282
$8.00 -
Microcline and Albite SP4-178
$8.00 -
Smoky Quartz and Microcline SP3-28
$15.00 -
Fluorapophyllite 501-311
$10.00 -
Fluorite and Calcite 503-261
$45.00 -
Descloizite and Smithsonite 503-258
$25.00 -
Pyrite and Sphalerite 1-443
$7.00 -
Calcite and Adamite 503-305
$15.00 -
Arsenopyrite 501-404
$7.00 -
Barite 501-292
$30.00 -
Hessonite 503-242
$30.00 -
Fluorite, Smoky Quartz, and Hematite Pseudomorph SP3-722
$70.00 -
Fluorite and Smoky Quartz SP3-781
$15.00 -
Fluorite SP3-394
$15.00 -
Amazonite and Clevelandite SP1-101
$30.00 -
Amazonite and Clevelandite SP1-92
$20.00 -
Amazonite SP1-168
$8.00 -
Amazonite SP1-119
$10.00 -
Amazonite SP1-445
$40.00 -
Smoky Quartz and Microcline SP4-115
$10.00 -
Smoky Quartz and Microcline SP4-116