Fluorite and Microcline SP4-213
$15.00 -
Fluorite and Microcline SP4-223
$25.00 -
Microcline and Albite SP4-119
$12.00 -
Smoky Quartz SP4-194
$10.00 -
Hematite Pseudomorph SP3-663
$10.00 -
Smoky Quartz and Microcline SP3-667
$15.00 -
Smithsonite 517-75
$100.00 -
Smoky Quartz and Microcline SP14-243
$45.00 -
Smoky Quartz and Microcline SP14-244
$30.00 -
Apophyllite and Prehnite 503-303
$20.00 -
Calcite 517-18
$45.00 -
Fluorapophyllite and Stilbite 517-19
$50.00 -
Limonite Pseudomorph, Smoky Quartz, and Microcline SP3-897
$20.00 -
Smoky Quartz, Microcline, and Fluorite SP4-865
$65.00 -
Smoky Quartz, Microcline, and Albite SP4-505
$15.00 -
Smoky Quartz and Specular Hematite SP3-1080
$9.00 -
Sphalerite 517-20
$10.00 -
Wulfenite, Willemite, and Chrysocolla 517-9
$6.00 -
Fluorite and Limonite SP3-640
$8.00 -
Smoky Quartz SP4-38
$12.00 -
Smoky Quartz SP3-1110
$12.00 -
Smoky Quartz and Microcline SP4-87
$8.00 -
Hemimorphite on Goethite 517-13
$10.00 -
Barite 517-4
$15.00 -
Stilbite 517-14