Kyanite 522-467
$12.00 -
Cobaltoan Calcite 522-838
$15.00 -
Amethyst 522-895
$20.00 -
Gypsum 522-891
$25.00 -
Fluorite and Quartz 515-51
$20.00 -
Grape Agate 522-870
$40.00 -
Grape Agate 522-871
$50.00 -
Calcite and Aragonite 522-317
$50.00 -
Pink Halite 522-903
$5.00 -
Amazonite and Smoky Quartz RB22-370
$5.00 -
Amazonite and Smoky Quartz RB22-365
$12.00 -
Amazonite and Smoky Quartz RB22-324
$20.00 -
Smoky Quartz and Hematite RB22-72
$15.00 -
Amazonite and Clevelandite RB22-61
$8.00 -
Amazonite and Clevelandite RB22-58
$12.00 -
Amazonite and Smoky Quartz RB22-36
$10.00 -
Amazonite RB18-75
$30.00 -
Amazonite RB18-41
$6.00 -
Amazonite RB18-35
$12.00 -
Smoky Quartz RB18-26
$8.00 -
Smoky Quartz RB18-25
$10.00 -
Grossular Garnet 522-907
$75.00 -
Pyrite 522-905
$60.00 -
Amethyst and Pyrite 522-299
$135.00 -
Microcline and Specular Hematite RB22-357