Smoky Quartz, Clevelandite and Amazonite RB14-23
$175.00 -
Smoky Quartz, Clevelandite and Amazonite RB14-29
$40.00 -
Clevelandite, Amazonote, and Smoky Quartz RB14-108
$25.00 -
Smoky Quartz, Clevelandite and Amazonite RB14-119
$20.00 -
Smoky Quartz, Clevelandite and Amazonite RB14-123
$150.00 -
Amazonite and Clevelandite SP1-101
$30.00 -
Amazonite and Clevelandite SP1-92
$20.00 -
Amazonite, Smoky Quartz, and Clevelandite SP1-169
$11.00 -
Amazonite and Clevelandite SP1-182
$6.00 -
Amazonite and Clevelandite SP1-96
$25.00 -
Smoky Quartz, Clevelandite, Amazonite, and Specular Hematite RB1-173
$35.00 -
Amazonite with Clevelandite SP1-460